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Chemicals called congeners are also a component of alcoholic drinks. These chemicals may also trigger migraine headaches in certain people. While numerous chemicals-related factors can trigger a headache after drinking alcohol, stress can also be a possible cause. For instance, a negative mood after drinking alcohol can contribute to some people having migraine headaches regardless of what they have drunk. A cocktail headache is a headache that occurs within as little as three hours after drinking alcohol. It’s not the same as a hangover headache, which occurs the morning after drinking too much.

why does alcohol cause migraines

Alcohol can trigger headaches, including migraines, cluster headaches, and tension-type headaches. In fact, around 30 percent of people who experience recurrent migraines report alcohol as a trigger. Sometimes you might get an attack because multiple triggers are working in combination.

Why do I get a headache when I drink alcohol?

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  • Other neurotransmitters play a role in the pain of migraine, including calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP).
  • If a doctor has prescribed medication for your chronic migraine and you choose to move forward with that line of treatment, follow instructions carefully.
  • It’s important to work with your obstetrician and your headache doctor when you have migraine to establish a safe treatment plan.

Weather, foods and drinks, and stress are just some of the things that can set off migraines. Wine, in particular, has been linked to headaches dating back to antiquity. Despite this common belief, there is little scientific evidence to suggest that wine is more likely to trigger a headache from drinking than another type of alcohol. Learning more about your specific health history and drinking habits can help you better understand your risk of alcohol-induced headaches. At Monument, you can speak with a specialized physician, like myself, to get personalized information and care. Histamine has been known to cause headaches for almost 100 years.² When it enters the bloodstream it dilates blood vessels, which leads to headaches.

Tension-type headache

Congeners are primarily found in darker liquors like brandy, whiskey, and wine. There are exceptions to this rule, however, such as tequila—a light-colored liquor that nevertheless carries high levels of congeners. The UK Chief Medical Officers’ low risk drinking guidelines are designed to help all adults keep the health risks from drinking alcohol to a low level.

  • If your support system is lacking, consider joining a support group.
  • For example, a tension headache may cause pain in the neck or shoulders.
  • After a night on the town, it’s easy to blame a headache on too much alcohol.
  • Try to stick to just a glass or two and eat enough for the food to soak up some of that alcohol.
  • Red wine, caffeine withdrawal, stress, and skipped meals are among the common culprits.
  • However, the study author also cautions that no single factor causes all hangover headaches.

This prospective study looked at migraine diaries spanning up to 90 days. Wine, beer, and spirits did not elevate the risk of migraine with aura, but sparkling wine did. Although genetic factors influence the risk of having migraine, environmental triggers can cause episodes or increase their frequency.

How long will a cocktail headache last?

Without a consistent cause-and-effect situation, though, it could be a number of factors — not just alcohol — that are triggering your migraine headache. If you do notice a pattern, especially with particular types of alcohol over others, you may choose to avoid the offending drinks. Keep a record of any symptoms that occur after consuming alcohol and discuss them with your 254 Massachusetts Sober Living Homes Transitional Living MA doctor. Identifying your specific food and drink triggers is a key part of any migraine prevention and treatment plan. Red wine is often blamed for headaches, and there is possibly a stronger correlation between headaches and red wine than other types of alcohol. However, a preference or aversion to a specific drink is based on personal experiences and observations.

The alcohol will continue to circulate in the bloodstream and eventually affect other organs. But according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drinking less or not at all may help you avoid neurological harm. Find out why, and what you can do to avoid alcohol-related migraines.

Kategorie: Sober living


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